General Information
Milk Handling & Storage for Parents
While unpacking, check the condition of each bottle to ensure they are frozen and not broken.
Immediately put bottles in the freezer.
Call the milk bank at 817-810-0071 if there are any concerns about the delivery/shipment.
Place bottles in a freezer in the back or the bottom where they will stay as cold as possible. Do not store milk in the freezer door.
Use the milk with the earliest expiration date first.
Note the date and time that bottles are removed from the freezer for thawing.
It is best to cold-thaw donor milk by placing what is needed for feedings the next day in the refrigerator. It may take between 12-24 hours for milk to completely thaw.
To quick-thaw milk:
a) Hold the bottle under lukewarm running water without getting the cap wet.
b) Place the bottle in a clean container of warm water without getting the cap wet. As water cools, replace it with more warm water. The water temperature should not exceed 98℉. Once milk is liquid but still chilled, dry off the bottle and refrigerate.
c) Place bottle in a warmer designed for thawing breastmilk and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. -
Do not heat milk warmer than your skin temperature.
Once milk is thawed, DO NOT REFREEZE.
Human milk should never be thawed or heated in the microwave.
Instructions for Use
Thoroughly wash hands and clean prep area prior to handling donor milk.
Gently swirl the milk to mix it and pour the estimated amount needed into a clean bottle.
Cover any remaining milk not poured into the feeding container and place it back into the refrigerator immediately.
Thawed, warmed milk should be discarded after one hour at room temperature.
Cover any leftover milk that has been warmed and out for less than one hour, and put in the refrigerator right away. This milk may be used for the next feeding, however, never add this milk to a "new bottle" of thawed milk.
Donor human milk can be used for up to 48 hours after defrosting if kept in the refrigerator.
Jones, F. (2019) Best practice for expressing, storing and handling human milk in hospitals, homes and childcare settings (4th ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Human Milk Banking Association of North America.