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Donor Stories

Sharvonne's Story

Why did Sharvonne decided to become a milk donor? To help preemie babies like her son, AJ.

AJ spent 2.5 months in the NICU. Sharvonne shares, “It was so hard leaving him in the hospital after he was born. Probably one of the hardest things I think I had to do.” She visited almost every day for hours to visit, feed, and bond with him.

While spending time in the NICU, Sharvonne shared with a nurse how much milk she was producing and learned about MMBNT and the option to donate her extra milk. She said that her own NICU journey influenced her decision to donate quite a bit: “Seeing other [babies] in a worse condition then AJ made me want to help other moms I would meet going through the same thing. Donating my extra breastmilk means I get to help another mom who may want to breastfeed but is not able to do so. It means I get to help a baby grow healthy so they can go home to their family.”

Sharvonne has now donated over 2,100 oz, giving the gift of liquid gold to other fragile babies, helping them grow strong and healthy like her AJ, so they can go home too.

  • Abide Women's Health Services
    Abide Women's Health Services
  • NEC Society
  • The Amy E. Shewbart Foundation
    The Amy E. Shewbart Foundation
  • Benbrook Chamber of Commerce
  • Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest
    Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest
  • Pediatrix Neonatology of Texas
    Pediatrix Neonatology of Texas
  • JPS Foundation
  • Junior League of FW
  • Newborn Nightingales
  • Cook Children's Medical Center
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