Grateful Mom Sponsors Running Event to Support Milk Banking

Mothers’ Milk Bank of North Texas was thrilled to be part of the 2018 Mimosa Run, a 2 mile run/walk and a 4 mile race hosted by Social Running Fort Worth. Money raised through this event benefited our capital campaign for our brand-new facility. It’s was a perfect opportunity to raise funds and to further connect with our community, and it’s all thanks to Jeanette, Social Running Fort Worth’s Events Director, and her special connection to MMBNT.
With a mission near and dear to her heart, MMBNT was an easy choice when Jeanette considered nonprofits to join the Mimosa Run. In September 2017, she gave birth to her second son, Hart. The NICU team arrived as soon as he was born and noticed “a very gurgled cry,” Jeanette said. She held Hart for just a moment before he was rushed to the NICU due to meconium aspiration.

Jeanette with Hart & big brother Harvey
Jeanette and her husband Brian spent seven days waiting to hold their baby, who received donor milk from a feeding tube during that first week of life. After Jeanette was able to hold Hart, her milk production increased and she was able to start nursing him. The family took their new baby home 18 days after his birth, where he finally met his older brother, Harvey.
While in the NICU, nurses noticed Jeanette’s milk production start to pick up, so they mentioned the possibility of donating milk to MMBNT. “I wasn’t sure I was going to have enough to be able to donate milk, so I wanted to find another way to give back,” Jeanette said. “With the Mimosa Run being Mother’s Day weekend, what better way to bring awareness to all the good work being done by MMBNT!”
Jeanette is excited to bring the mission of the milk bank to this year’s Mimosa Run, and wants all milk donors to know how much their gifts are treasured. “They may not be able to meet the people that benefit from their donation, but for those like Hart who needed that milk, it changed their life,” she said. “Although he did not need it for long, that was one less thing we had to worry about, which we are so thankful for.”