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Donor Stories

Leslie's Story

As we commemorate Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, we are honored to share Leslie and Alekzander’s story:

“I delivered my son via emergency C-Section at 25 weeks 4 days gestation due to IUGR and preeclampsia. He was born 15 weeks early making him a micro preemie baby. The delivery was scary and very emotional, and the NICU journey was very challenging for Alekzander and my family. It was an emotional rollercoaster, watching my baby grow and develop outside of my womb…[it] was a beautiful, terrifying experience.

After my son's birth I was still feeling sick and had just started my pumping journey. I did not have milk the day of his birth and was told he could be given donor milk while my supply came in. After knowing this great act of kindness was helpful and beneficial for my son, I felt the need to do the same for babies like mine.”

Leslie became a donor, and throughout Alekzander’s NICU journey, donated almost 4,000 ounces. 

“Our son fought so hard during his NICU journey and overcame so much. Unfortunately, my sweet baby boy transitioned to heaven after 7.5 months. He taught us so much and made his Mommy, Daddy and Sisters so very proud of him. His strength, courage and love will forever live within us and those whose lives he touched. I believe and know that his life was for a purpose and given that he touched so many lives and taught us a great deal, his love and journey will live on.”

Alekzander touched so many lives and helped so many other babies through the sharing of his liquid gold. We’re honored to celebrate and remember his life today, this month, and every day, with his leaf on our Carmen’s Tree.

  • Abide Women's Health Services
    Abide Women's Health Services
  • NEC Society
  • The Amy E. Shewbart Foundation
    The Amy E. Shewbart Foundation
  • Benbrook Chamber of Commerce
  • Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest
    Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest
  • Pediatrix Neonatology of Texas
    Pediatrix Neonatology of Texas
  • JPS Foundation
  • Junior League of FW
  • Newborn Nightingales
  • Cook Children's Medical Center
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