Madison's Story

Bereaved donor mom Madison shared her donor story:
“Last week I made my first donation of around 350 oz to Texas Children’s Hospital’s [depot] through the Mothers’ Milk Bank donation program, and I could not be more proud of myself. I was a first time mother when I lost my twin girls Hazel and Lucy on April 26th, 2023.
I was 6 months pregnant at the time and surprised that my body began to produce milk. I knew this was a blessing as many struggle, and I chose to pump and donate in their honor, for as long as my body will let me. I hope every baby that receives my donated milk knows they are so loved beyond measure and prayed for every night. Donating my milk has given me hope in being able to be a mother again sometime soon.”
Madison finished her donation journey in September, donating a total of 661 ounces in honor of Hazel and Lucy. This gift is their lasting legacy.